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Conservation Minutes, January 24, 2012

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by Frank Schellenger, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   Frank Schellenger, Chairman
   John Kemmett, Vice Chairman  
   John Murray, Clerk
                          David Harris, Member
                           Audrey Hayward, Member

Also Present:              Phil Clemons, Associate Member                    
                           Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant


Motion to approve minutes of January 10, 2012:  David Harris
Second:  John Murray
Vote:  4-0-1 (Ms. Hayward abstained)


7:00 PM Appointment with Mr. Joshua Bows of Merrill Associates to discuss a potential future filing on West Washington Street

Mr. Bows of Merrill Associates had prepared a presentation for a potential assisted living facility by the Kaplan Development Group who would build the basic building, own and manage it.  They have two similar developments in Massachusetts for which he had pictures of the architecture and floor plans.  The building site is located at the former Meadowbrook Garden Center on the Hanson/E. Bridgewater town line.  The majority of the site has been previously disturbed and had been used as a nursery for which a Certificate of Compliance from Conservation was issued last year.
  Since an accurate wetland line was needed for a more definitive plan, Mr. Brad Holmes of Environmental Consulting and Restoration, LLC delineated the resource area (RA) which showed that, over time, the wetland line has moved up-gradient towards the site.  As a result, the building had been designed as far forward as possible while still meeting the Zoning setbacks in both towns.
 A section of the drainage basin extends into the 50-foot no build zone for which a variance would be required.  Mr. Bows was interested in feedback from the Commission regarding the variance.  He explained that the goal is to provide a site that is in better shape to protect the wetlands than what exists there now.  Their plan is to heavily revegetate the area with oversight by a wetland scientist, restrict future activities in the buffer zone and provide any mitigation the Commission deems necessary.  Mr. Schellenger commented that they would want to maximize the mitigation around the roadway and make it tight to block off the RA from further encroachment.
Mr. Clemons asked Mr. Bows if he knew where the Aquifer Protection Zones were as the site is up gradient of the town’s wells.  Mr. Bows answered that the other side of West Washington Street is Zone II and that the site itself is a Zone IIIB the implication of which is that a maximum of 30% of the site shall be impervious (Planning Board).  Mr. Schellenger asked if the Stormwater Management Regulations were applicable and would be adhered to.  Mr. Bows answered yes to both.    
        Mr. Kemmett was of the opinion that a 95’ buffer zone setback was required for a Commercial/Industrial structure.  Mr. Bows replied that he considered the project a Multi-Dwelling structure with a 50’ buffer zone.  Mr. Harris asked him to get clarification from the Building Inspector/Zoning Officer, Mr. Bob Curran.  Mr. Schellenger commented that in any case, Mr. Bows should make a good case for mitigation in the proposal.  

Public Hearings
7:15 PM  Continued Request for Determination of Applicability for a proposed gas main replacement occurring via the open trench method within the existing paved roadway at East Washington and Whitman Streets for Columbia Gas of Mass. Co. represented by Merrill Associates, 427 Columbia Road, Hanover, MA   

Mr. Bows made a presentation for the gas main replacement on East Washington and Whitman Streets.  The resource areas were delineated by Brad Holmes and consist of a number of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands as well as an Isolated Vegetated Wetland along the route.  The plan is to install erosion control where appropriate and filter fabric between the catch basins.  The trench will be excavated, the pipe installed then backfilled and patched at the end of every work day.  No stockpiles shall be left overnight and no work conducted during rainy conditions.  

Motion to approve and issue a Neg. 3 Determination of Applicability with standard erosion control conditions:  David Harris
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  5-0-0

7:30 PM  Continued Request for Determination of Applicability for the creation of a small parking area, a path to the river and a canoe launch on Conservation land located at Adams Circle, Map 120, Lot 114 for Peter Veneto III, 24 Greenbrier Lane, Hanson, MA as part of an Eagle Scout Project  

Peter Veneto attended the meeting and addressed the Commission as to a recent visit he had made to the site of his proposed canoe launch area.  He could not launch the canoe as the river was frozen and the water level was down.  He also couldn’t get through because of a stand of reeds that he did not want to damage.  He is of the opinion however, that in the spring and summer, the water gets high enough to access the shoreline as indicated by the water marks on river rocks.  He is unable to prove it now.  

        Motion to deny based on unsuitability of soils as you approach the river:  David Harris
        Second:  Frank Schellenger
        Vote:  2-2-1 (Ms. Hayward abstained)  

        Motion to approve a parking lot and canoe launch:  John Kemmett
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  2-2-1 (Ms. Hayward abstained)  

Since both motions failed, Mr. Kemmett suggested that new member, Audrey Hayward, review the tapes of the previous meeting and look at the area.  Mr. Harris suggested a site walk with all five members present.  Mr. Kemmett commented that because it’s Conservation land, it should be open to everyone.

Motion to continue until 2/14/12 at 7 PM pending a site walk with all five members present:  David Harris
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  4-0-1 (Ms. Hayward abstained)

*The site walk for the Adams Circle canoe launch area was scheduled for next Thursday, February 2nd at 2:30 PM.  


Blanket Permit for 239 Spring Street, Map 108, Lot 1
Ms. Nehiley reported that she had issued a Blanket Permit for a septic repair that was greater than 50’ from the Bordering Vegetated Wetland.  Erosion control was proposed at the limit of work.

Hiring of part-time agent for consulting work
Ms. Nehiley reported that two people had sent letters of interest for the position of part-time temporary Consultant along with their resumes and a requested hourly rate.  The rates were slightly different and one person could attend meetings and the other could not.  Based on these facts, the Commission voted.

Motion to recommend Mary Guiney for hire as a temporary consultant/agent to Mr. Read:  John Murray
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  5-0-0

Old Business/New Business

Signs for Conservation parcels
Mr. Harris suggested that in light of the dumping that was observed at the Conservation parcels on Adams Circle, it would behoove the Commission to post signage with language such as “No Dumping, Subject to Fine” at this and possibly other locations as well.  Mr. Clemons added that the language should be concise and consistent so as to make visible public policy.    

Motion to purchase signs to designate Conservation parcels with emphasis on the most important parcels on an as-needed basis:  David Harris
        Second:  John Kemmett

Mr. Schellenger inquired about the language regarding the issuance of fines.  Mr. Harris said that we should check with Ms. Marini because it would be spelled out in the Town By-Laws.

        Vote:  5-0-0

Meeting with Samantha Woods, Executive Director of the North South River Watershed Association (NSRWA) on Tuesday, 1/31/12 to tour the Edgewood Bog property weather permitting.  
Mr. Clemons informed the Commission that he had been in contact with Ms. Woods to impart informal, general awareness and information regarding the Town’s recent acquisition of the 100 acre plus Edgewood Bog property.  He was of the opinion that, as a courtesy on our part, her organization should take a look at the property as they may have input into a long-term management plan.  Mr. Clemons went on to say that it makes sense to allow a group that has the same mission to protect the watershed as Conservation, come and visit.  In conclusion, he invited everyone to meet at Camp Kiwanee next Tuesday to begin a tour of the property.  

Recent complaints at various properties
Ms. Nehiley spoke to the various complaints (4) that the office had received recently.  Two were for cutting of trees in or near a Bordering Vegetated Wetland/Riverfront area.  Mr. Schellenger suggested sending letters out to the owners requesting an inspection.  Another was determined to be out of Conservation jurisdiction and another complaint was unfounded.  Ms. Kemmett suggested that the Commissioners go out as a group or in pairs to look at enforcement issues.  

Nathaniel Thomas Mill
Mr. Clemons revisited the draft of the Management Plan for the Mill regarding the landscaping and invasive species control.  He was in the process of preparing a Blanket Notice of Intent, for which Becky had downloaded a template from the MACC website, to conduct these activities in context with DEP standards.  He has begun to put it in the proper format for a future filing.       

*Mr. Schellenger reminded everyone that the deadline for submitting articles for Town Meeting is March 2, 2012 and we should decide by our next meeting if and what to propose.


        Motion to adjourn at 8:30 PM:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  5-0-0